Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Storm continues

A fascinating article has appeared in the New York Review of Books by Michael Massing entitled "The Storm over the Israel Lobby", a continuation of the Walt/Mearsheimer debate as to whether AIPAC has too much influence on US policy in the middle east. He offers some considered critiques of the Walt/Mearsheimer paper (unlike the hysterical reactions so far) but broadly accepts their thesis.

What is fascinating about the article is that he has spoken to various congressmen, past lobbyists and various other political shakers and movers, to get a better understanding of how AIPAC operates. The result: a scathing critique of AIPAC and in particular an expose of its right wing orientation.

The article is summed up at the beginning of section 4: "What AIPAC wants can be summed up very succinctly: a powerful Israel free to occupy the territory it chooses; enfeebled Palestinians; and unquestioning support for Israel by the United States. AIPAC is skeptical of negotiations and peace accords, along with the efforts by Israeli doves, the Palestinians, and Americans to promote them".

Does AIPAC sound like the kind of organisation that is interested in genuine peace for Israelis and Palestinians? A partner for peace to use the lexicon of Israelis. Walt/Mersheimer in their original paper described AIPAC as a "de factor agent for a foreign government". I disagree - they seem to be in anything the defacto agent for the Likud and the Israeli right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the "Israel lobby" had "too much" power, we wouldn't be selling armaments to the likes of Saudi Arabia.

The definition of "too much" is directly proportional to one's level of Jew-hatred.

What puszzles me is why won't anti-Semites admit their biases? At least Hitler had the courage to admit his.

10:19 AM  

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