Saturday, February 11, 2006

More on the settlers and the "Amona episode"

I could not but enjoy this wonderfully witty satirical essay written by Doron Rosenblum in Haaretz regarding the settlement movment (linked below).

There is now going to be a public inquiry into what happened at Amona. I disagree with this action. Whilst the police need to review their actions, an inquiry is unnecessary. If anything there should be a public inquiry into how illegal outposts like Amona were built in the first place (rather then just simply producing the Sasson report which has been largely ignored). The bottom line is thousands of religious youth came to prevent the police from destroying nine illegally built structures on private Palestinian land and did everything in there power short of shooting at the police to prevent them from doing their job.

The real question we should be asking ourselves is why thousands of people were preventing the police from doing their job. What legitimate argument did these youths have for preventing the police from doing their job. It has been suggested that the government could have spoken to the settler leadership to prevent the confrontation. Let's stop the games. The Amona outpost was not built yesterday, it was dragging in the courts for months. The settlers would not have reasonably retreated. They wanted a confrontation to get over the humiliation after the evacuation of Gush Katif.

The Israeli government for too long have given in to the settler movement. Amona like Gaza gave a clear message to the settlers that the days of the winks and undercover deals with the settlers is over.


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